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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

18 Days Until Our Second Show

This is one of the new pieces, "Mic Check 1,2",10.5'' x 30'', Acrylic on Wood, that will be up and showing on May 5th, the first Saturday of May. The show will be the same set up as last time, but with new artwork, new designs on clothes, a couple guest clothing designers, and a new type of beer. Michele and I are always excited to show you what we have been up to and if you are reading this you probably have already taking a look at some of the web site. Michele, Bherd's Web Wizard, has been doing a great job on keeping this site going and up to date. And to keep everyone up to date on what is going to be happening for Bherd in the future here is a list of things that are going to happening.

May 5th- Our Second Show
June 7th- The 2nd T-Shirt Is Art show at Blank Space Gallery in Pioneer Square
July 14th- Ryan Hamilton 1st Photo Exhibition
August 4th- Artwork by Tyson Chester
September 8th- A two person show. Dan Voelker & John Osgood
October 6th- I am thinking that a group show is going to happen this night, but this one is not definite yet.

I hope everyone is doing well.

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