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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Last Friday Night @ Neptune Coffee

So we had another free silk screening event last friday night. We held the event at Neptune coffee (which is located in on Greenwood Ave in Greenwood) which turned out to be a good place to have it. There was more than enough people at the coffee shop that night to keep both Michele and I busy for the two hours that we were there. It was a blast screen printing shirts for people and answering everyones questions. Hopefully everyone enjoys their new "Yin Yang Bird Fish" design and wear their shirts proudly. Keep your ears peeled for future free silk screening events coming up in the near future.

Our next show is "Love Is A Battlefield" which will be held on February 9th, 5-9pm @ Bherd Studios. If you haven't made it to one of our shows yet, I think now is time. I can't wait for this show to get here because Michele and I have had this group show planned for a while now and this is going to be our first real group show. And new things are always fun.

If you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns feel free to write us back. Michele and I are always interested in people's inquires and excited to tell people about what is going on with Bherd Studios

I hope everyone is doing well.

(And now back to my deep knee bends. ...997, ...998, ...999, ...1000! Done.)

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