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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

John Osgood: "The Making Of" Videos

Here are a series of videos showing recent works in progress.

This first one is "Quicksand. Again". You know those times where you're feeling overwhelmed, too much stuff on your plate, you're basically feeling stuck. Yeah, that's what this one is inspired by. That tiny little limb being offered that you can't quite reach and looks like it's about as useless as a - (place colloquial quote here). Anyway you get the picture, or you will...

"The Patriarch" was inspired by Grandpa O.

This piece is now showing at ArtsWest for Urban Constructions. The opening is tomorrow (Thurs. Feb 11th for the W. Seattle art walk) This piece is entitled "I'd Help You - a former saint".

1 comment:

Aaron Kokorowski said...

These videos are excellent