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Monday, April 7, 2008

"Stick'em Up" Recap

First off I would like to thank everyone that came out to the show the other night. It was a fun evening filled with cool artwork and a lot of throw up stickers being made. Michele and I both met a lot of new people and saw many new faces throughout the night. But do not be upset if you missed the show. We will have the show up until the first week of May. So if you missed it and you still want to see it, stop on by. We are open Wed. - Fri. noon to 6pm. If you want to see this show and you can't make it at those times just shoot us an email and we can set up a time to meet or stay a little later than 6. Also if you want to make a throw up sticker at home and bring it by, please do so. The more the merrier. Plus the more chaotic the wall will be the better the final picture will turn out. Ya dig! To see some photos of the night, and some other cool artwork, you can go to http://www.flickr.com/groups/bherdstudios/
Thank again to everyone that came out.

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