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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Work in Progression

Well it's been a while since I have written anything on this blog, so here I go with a recap of the post "Stick'em Up" show.

So the day after the show there was no point on trying to be productive. Michele and I had booked so many events into a small time frame that we needed time to relax. And relax we did. I am pretty sure when we finally went to bed on Sunday night the couch said, " It's about time you got off of me!". But after that day of relaxation it was back to the grind with making frames for finished paintings and frames for new paintings.

This painting below was one that I just finished today. It use to be called "Pickle Snapper". I think there was something with the name that threw people for a loop and would always pass on it. Now with a few new touch ups and a new name "Snapper", I think is ready for some more face time with the public.

This painting below is a new piece that I just started today. It's a 7' x 3' piece and I am having a friend, Aaron Last http://aaronlast.com/ take photos of the progression of the piece. This piece is for a showing at a home in the Mt. Baker area.

The piece below is another painting that Aaron is doing a film photo documentary of as well.

Everyone here at Bherd Studios is staying busy and our calendar is quickly filling up with events and places that we need to be. Our "Stick'em Up!" show is still up and will be until the 28th of April. Our next show is going to be called "Odd Man Out" and that is happening on June 7th. Our guest artist are Justin Hillgove, Chris Olsen, Adam MacKinnon, and myself (John Osgood ).

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